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Modify Mouse-Over Preview Form

The Mouse-over previews let you view key details within the current form without the need to click a link or open a new web page. The mouse-over preview appears when you place a cursor over an object link on a list or detail form for a certain amount of time. If you move the mouse away from the link before the delay time expires, the preview does not appear. Mouse-over previews appear by default on all list and detail forms in read-only mode.

You can create mouse-over previews for forms that do not have preview_ forms by default. You can also create mouse-over previews for custom forms you created in your CA SDM environment.

The following predefined mouse-over preview forms are available:

Follow these steps:

  1. Open one of the following forms for the customization:
  2. Customize the form. For example, add or remove custom controls from the form.
  3. Click File, Save As, specify a file name using the preview_ prefix, and click Save. For example, enter preview_loc.htmpl.

    The mouse-over preview form is created and customized.