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Retry Failed Actions

When a rule action fails to launch its associated CA Process Automation process, a system alert is created. Possible causes for the failure include the related service either not running, or being too busy to accept more work, or connectivity between CA Service Catalog and CA Process Automation is not estabilished. Service Delivery administrators can retry failed actions of these types.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Home, Messages, Alerts from the Messages menu.

    The Alert Messages lists all the alert types appears.

  2. Click List All Failed Actions.

    The Alert Messages list changes to display the alerts.

  3. Use Filter Alerts and Change Business Unit to display the list of alerts that include the failed actions you want to retry.
  4. Select the alerts in the List all Failed Actions that you want to retry, and click Retry Failed Actions.

    The Alerts page appears.

    For example, if you have retried an alert of type ITPAM_QUEUE_FAILURE, then it appears as a separate alert message for that request on the Alerts page.

You have retried the failed actions.