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Use the Status Widget and Other Widgets to Let Users Access Requests

On the second portal page, you embed the Status, Request List, and Edit Request widgets, as illustrated in the remaining tasks of this scenario.

Embed the Status widget to let catalog users access the requests for services that they have created or submitted. Also use the Status widget to let request managers access their requests pending action. A sample Status widget follows.


An explanation of the options of the Status widget follows:


Displays the number of recent requests that the user has created but not submitted.

In this scenario, you use the Status and Edit Request widgets together, to provide the following function: When users click Cart, the Edit Request widget opens the cart. Users can view, complete, and submit each of their unsubmitted requests.


Displays the number of recent requests that the user has submitted but that have not been approved or rejected.

In this scenario, you use the Status and Request List widget together, to provide the following function: When users click Open, the Request List widget displays each submitted, open request and its status. This function provides a quick and efficient method for users to verify the status of such requests.

When the page includes the Edit Request widget, users can also make minor updates to the request.


Displays the number of recent requests that the user has submitted and that have been fulfilled or rejected.

In this scenario, you use the Status and Request List widget together, to provide the following function: When users click Closed, the Request List widget displays each closed request. This function provides a quick and efficient method for users to verify the status of their closed requests.


Displays the number of requests pending action for the user. This option is valid for request managers only, for the requests pending action in their own queues only.

In this scenario, you use the Status and Request List widget together: They let request managers view the requests pending action in their queues.

When the page includes the Edit Request widget, request managers can also approve and reject these requests.

Note: You can optionally leave the call to the Status widget as a read-only summary. To do so, do not add the Edit Request or Request List widgets to the same page.