Previous Topic: View Reservation Templates

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View Public Templates for Logical Partitions and Make a Reservation

You can view the templates that administrators defined for reservations on IBM PowerVM logical partition systems. Viewing the templates helps you choose the right one to use for a reservation. You can update some fields to customize the template for your needs.

To view a public template for logical partitions and make a reservation

  1. Click View reservation templates on the home page.

    The View Reservation Templates page opens.

  2. Select a template and then select Details from the Actions menu.

    The Template Details page opens. If you want to use this template, go to the next step. If you want to view another template, click the View Reservation Templates breadcrumb at the top of the page. Repeat this step for another template.

  3. Click the Create Reservation button.

    The Reserve Systems wizard opens.

  4. Enter information about the following tabs as instructed by the wizard.
    Specify Dates page

    Select one of the following options:

    • Reserve now
    • Enter start and end dates and times.

      The times start and end on the hour. The end time must be at least an hour after the start time. If you specify an end time that exceeds the number of days for which you can reserve equipment, the request is rejected. The administrator can have defined limits.

    • Enter a start time with no end time.
    Additional Information page

    (Optional) Enter a project ID, notes, and an email address that receives notification when a provisioning job fails.

    Confirm Order page

    Verify the reservation information. Use the Back button if you want to change something.