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Run Command Script

The Run Command Script action type lets you use a script to run an external command from the server that processed the command. For example, if the command is run from the Initiation page, the target command must be on the same server as the Windows scheduler that runs the command. When the command runs as a result of a rule evaluation, the action runs on the computer hosting the Windows scheduler server, as a result of running a job.

The Details section of the action definition contains the following fields:

Command Line

Specifies the command or substitution string to run. Alternatively, you can use automatically generated text or text extracted from event messages.

Require Approval

Select to specify that the ticket requires approval by a third party.

Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.

Auto close ticket on approval/rejection

Select to close the ticket after it is approved or rejected.

Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.

Ticket Types

Select a valid ticket type from the drop-down list. Depending on your configuration, valid types include:

Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.


Specifies the template to use to create a ticket. Select a template from the drop-down list. Depending on the ticket type selected, the form is populated with corresponding values.

Note: CA SDM must be configured to use this option.