Previous Topic: Apply Policy and Templates to Servers and Verify Settings

Next Topic: (Optional) Update the Policy or Templates

(Optional) Manage the Base Policy and Templates for One or More Servers

Manage the templates and the base policy for a single or multiple servers. You can replace the current base policy, add templates, or remove templates.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Resources tab, open the Explore pane, and select the server for which you want to change the policy configuration.

    The resources page for the server appears.

  2. Select Monitoring Software, Policies.

    The table displays the list of policies and templates applied to the server.

  3. Click Pen icon (Modify Policy) to replace the current base policy for this server by another available base policy.

    The Modify Policy dialog appears listing all available base policies.

  4. Select the appropriate policy and click Apply.

    The new base policy for the selected server has been applied. The status of the policy changes from Delivery Requested, Delivered, to Configured.

  5. Click Plus Icon (Modify Template) to add or remove templates from the configuration of the selected server.

    The Modify Templates dialog appears listing the available templates in the left pane and the applied templates in the right pane.

  6. Select the templates that you want to add or remove, use the arrows to make your assignments, and click Apply.

    The new set of templates has been applied to the configuration. The status of the templates change from Delivery Requested, Delivered, to Configured.

    The new configuration has been applied.

You can also manage multiple servers as a group.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a service at the datacenter level that specifies the group of servers.

    The new service appears in the Explore pane.

  2. Select the service.

    The service page appears.

  3. Select Monitoring Software, Policies.

    The table displays the list of policies and templates applied to the servers.

    The following steps are identical to the procedure for single servers.

  4. Complete the configuration.