Previous Topic: (Optional) Update the Policy or Templates

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Apply Policy and Templates to Servers and Verify Settings

After you create the template, you can apply the policy, with the template directly to the servers or the server groups across the enterprise.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the policy in the Available Policies table or select a template from the Template List.

    The Summary page for the policy or template appears.

  2. Select the Managed Machines tab.

    The list of managed machines appears.

  3. Click Action and select Apply.

    Tabs appear for selecting systems on which to apply the policy.

    Update machines running this policy/template

    Lets you apply the policy to systems that are already running the policy or template.

    Apply to machines not running this policy/templates

    Lets you apply policy or a template to systems.

  4. (Options for policies) Do one of the following options from the 'Update machines running this policy' tab:
  5. (Options for templates) Select one of the following options from the 'Update machines running this template' tab:

    Under Existing Machines, select one of the following options:

  6. (Optional) Select systems from the 'Apply to Machines not running this policy/template' tab for applying the policy or template.
  7. Click Apply Policy or Apply Template.

    The application is initiated.

  8. Verify if the servers behave as expected. If necessary, you can update and apply the updated policies and templates.