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Configure Chargeback by Resource for AppLogic Applications

Reservations on AppLogic applications use chargeback by resource.

When assigning chargeback rates, the charge is for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week during the reservation period. Enter realistic hourly rates based on factors like energy costs and hardware maintenance expense. Most rates range from 10 cents to 50 cents an hour.

Note: Chargeback is optional. The default rates is 0 (no chargeback).

To configure chargeback by resource for AppLogic applications

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your chargeback models, and AppLogic applications.

    A pane with fields for tier chargeback appears.

  2. Provide base hourly rate and memory resource thresholds as described in the Configure Chargeback by Resource section.

    Note: CPU resources are measured in "shares" as opposed to number of CPUs. Choose a base amount to 2 decimal places (for example, 0.01). The surcharge rate will be applied for each 0.01 increment above the base amount.

    Note: Charging for disk resources is not supported for AppLogic Applications.

    Note: Bandwidth is measured in MBs. The surcharge rate will be charged for each MB above the base amount.

  3. Click OK.