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Select a Chargeback Tier for IBM PowerVM Logical Partitions

If chargeback is in use at your site, you can open a template for IBM PowerVM logical partitions and select a chargeback tier.

To select a chargeback tier for IBM PowerVM logical partitions

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your reservation templates.

    The Reservation Templates page opens. This page lists the public templates that users can select when reserving systems.

  2. Double-click a template for logical partitions.

    The Reservation Templates Details page opens.

  3. Click the Allocation Policy tab, and select a tier from the Chargeback Tier Name drop-down list.

    Note: You can also create a new chargeback tier by entering a new name. Be sure to set an hourly rate for any new tiers. See Configure Chargeback by Tier for IBM PowerVM Logical Partitions.