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Configure Chargeback Display

The chargeback feature provides a way to charge on an hourly basis for the use of virtual machines. The product comes with pricing models for VMware and Amazon Cloud. The default is 0 (no hourly charge), and the administrator can change the value.

If chargeback is not used, the administrator can suppress the display of the hourly rate and total cost so that end users do not see it.

To suppress the display of chargeback hourly rate and total cost

  1. As administrator in Reservation Manager, under Administer Your Reservation Manager, click Manage your configuration settings.

    The Configure Settings page opens.

  2. Click the following link in the Reservations area.
    Display Chargeback Cost Information
  3. Enter a value and click OK.

    The change takes effect when you restart the browser.


In addition to standard configuration and setup, additional customization is available.

This section contains procedures on how to customize your services and resources.