Administer Operator Categories and Custom Operator Groups › Configuring Operator Categories › Configure Command Execution: Default UNIX Command Execution Properties
Configure Command Execution: Default UNIX Command Execution Properties
You can configure default run properties for the UNIX commands.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab, select Domain, and click Lock.
- Click the Modules tab, right-click Command Execution, and select Edit.
- Select the Default UNIX Command Execution Properties tab.
- Enter one of the following Shell command interpreters to use as the default for the profile and for shell commands:
- Enter the name of the default shell script file to interpret before starting a user process for which no profile is specified.
The profile can contain any noninteractive command that the shell interpreter understands.
- Specify the user credential defaults.
- Select one of the following values to specify that the Process operators use the selected option when user credentials are not specified:
- (Default) Defaults to the user under which touchpoint is run.
The Process operators use the user credentials under which the agent or Orchestrator process is running.
- Defaults to the specified Default user.
The Process operators use the user credentials that are configured as the Default user and Default password.
- No default.
The Process operators use the user credentials that are supplied at run time.
- Consider the implications of specifying defaults for user ID and password:
- To prevent users from defining and starting processes through CA Process Automation to which they otherwise have no access, specify a user ID with only necessary permissions.
- Leave the user ID and password blank to force users to enter those values when they start processes through CA Process Automation.
- If appropriate, enter the default shell account to use when starting user processes that lack a user name and a password.
- If appropriate, enter the password for the Shell user account.
Note: Passwords that are part of the Command Execution configurations are protected and cannot be modified through a program, referenced, or passed to external methods.
- Reenter the Default password to confirm it.
- Consider the implications of specifying defaults for user ID and password:
- To prevent users from defining and starting processes through CA Process Automation to which they otherwise have no access, specify a user ID with only necessary permissions.
- Leave the user ID and password blank to force users to enter those values when they start processes through CA Process Automation.
- If appropriate, enter the default shell account to use when starting user processes that lack a user name and a password.
- If appropriate, enter the password for the Shell user account.
Note: Passwords that are part of the Command Execution configurations are protected and cannot be modified through a program, referenced, or passed to external methods.
- Reenter the Default password to confirm it.
- Indicate whether to load the user profile that is associated with the specified default user and password.
- Indicate whether to disable password checking.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
- Select Domain and click Unlock.
More information:
About Command Execution
Override Settings Inherited by a Category of Operators
Category Configuration and Operator Inheritance
Configuring Operator Categories
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