Administer Library Objects › How to Prepare the Production Environment for a New Release › Scenario: Export and Import Objects in a Content Package › Export a Folder as a Content Package
Export a Folder as a Content Package
Content designers prepare objects associated with the same release version for export. Then a content designer or an administrator exports the content package. The following procedure addresses both the preparation and the export step.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Library tab.
- Click Orchestrator and select the source Orchestrator:environment.
- Navigate to the target folder. Verify that the folder contains all of the objects that you want to export. Verify that the folder contains only the objects that you want to export.
- Add the release version to the target folder:
- In the navigation pane, select the folder containing the folder to export.
- In the main pane, right-click the folder to export and select Properties.
- Click the Release tab.
- Double-click the Value column in the ReleaseVersion row.
- Enter the release version in the Value dialog and click OK.
- Click Save.
- Add the release version to the selected version of each object in the target folder and verify that the selected version is Baselined.
- Select the target folder containing the objects to export.
- Right-click an object and select Properties.
- Select the Release tab.
- Right-click the row for the version to export, select Set Release Version, and enter the same release version value that you assigned to the folder, and click OK.
- If the Baseline value for the selected row is No, click the Versions tab, and click Baseline. Click Yes to confirm Baselining.
Note: It is important to Baseline objects before export so that you always have a saved image in the design environment of each object at release time. (All objects are automatically baselined during the import process.)
- Click OK.
- Repeat these steps for each object in the folder.
- In the navigation pane, right-click the folder, then select one of the following options:
- Save the file of the exported package.
- Click Save to save the XML file.
- Navigate to a folder on your local drive and click Save.
- When the Download Complete dialog appears, click Close.
CA Process Automation exports the content package as an XML file. The content package is ready to import to another Orchestrator. The folder-name.xml file is encrypted.
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