Previous Topic: Role-Based Access to ConfigurationNext Topic: PAMAdmins Group Permissions

Default Groups and Default User Credentials

CA EEM provides four default groups for CA Process Automation. Each group has a default user. You can experience the CA Process Automation presented to members of each by logging in to CA Process Automation as its default user. High-level descriptions and credentials for default users follow:


The PAMAdmins group is granted full permissions in CA Process Automation. You can assign this group to all administrators.

Default user credentials

User Name: pamadmin

Password: pamadmin


The Designers group is granted permissions that are typically sufficient for users who design automated processes.

Default user credentials

User Name: pamdesigner

Password: pamdesigner

Production Users

The Production Users group is granted sufficient permissions for users who interact with automated processes in the production environment.

Default user credentials

User Name: pamproduser

Password: pamproduser


The default PAMUsers group is granted minimal permissions. The CA EEM administrator can use this group as the basis for custom groups. This group grants the ability to log in to CA Process Automation, examine reports, and view the state of operations.

Default user credentials

User Name: pamuser

Password: pamuser

Detailed permission descriptions follow:

Editing the default roles or creating custom roles is an advanced feature.