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How to Configure Live Assistance for Analysts

You configure the Support Automation Analyst Interface by establishing role and security permissions for analysts in your live assistance environment as follows:

  1. Create or modify the appropriate roles and Support Automation Access Levels for analysts in your live assistance environment.

    You update roles and Access Levels to give analysts permission to specific tools they can use in assistance sessions.

  2. Establish and manage queues for your live assistance environment.

    You create queues to route incoming live assistance requests appropriately.

  3. Establish and manage activity notifications for your live assistance environment.

    You create email notifications to alert analysts when they get an assistance session request in their queue.

  4. Establish and manage chat presets for your live assistance environment.

    You create chat presets that analysts use to send preconfigured responses to commonly asked questions and common situations.

  5. Establish and manage automated tasks for your live assistance environment.

    You create automated tasks to execute specific actions on the end-user computer.

    Note: You can only create scripts and upload them to the server through the Automated Task Editor IDE.