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Support Automation Queue Administration

You use queues to route assistance session requests to the most appropriate analyst. The end user can select a category, or enter a description of their computer problem, and their ticket (such an as incident) routes to the appropriate queue.

After the initial product installation, the default queue is named Support. You can set up several queues to facilitate the sorting and tracking of different support requests, according to your business needs. You can assign only one default queues per tenant. If you do not assign a default to a tenant queue, or if the default tenant queue is unavailable, the system uses the public default queue. You set the working hours per queue.

The system automatically determines where to place the end user by mapping queues to incident areas. If an area maps to a queue, the end user selects a category and is routed to the appropriate queue. Search capabilities are applied to the description of an incident or issue category to identify relevant queues, and the end user is routed to the best matched queue only.

Note: For more detailed information about customizing and mapping Support Automation queues, see the Online Help.