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Support Automation Access Level Administration

You manage Support Automation access levels and assign them to CA SDM roles in your support environment. Support environments vary in size and structure, so your implementation of access levels can vary.

In a small support environment, there can be only one or two analysts categorized within a single access level, such as Analyst. In a larger support environment, the tenant administrator can set up many analyst access levels, each with different access and support privileges.

Important! If you are in a multi-tenancy environment, analysts that do not belong to the service provider only have write access to their own tenant and subtenants. You can give the analyst write access to other tenants and subtenants by updating the function access of the accessed tenant to include non-service provider tenants.

The following access levels are available:


Specifies the contact type that provides live assistance to end users in your support environment. Access levels define which queues, automated tasks, and tools are available for the analyst to use.

End User

Specifies the contact type that receives live assistance from analysts, such as employee and customer.

You manage Support Automation access levels from the Administration tab.

Note: For detailed information about creating and modifying Support Automation access levels for analysts and end users, see the Online Help.