Previous Topic: Define an Approval Process for Document Editing

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Create an Approval Process Template

The tasks in an approval process template define the lifecycle of documents created with the template.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, select the appropriate tenant from the drop-down list. The public (shared) option creates the object for all tenants.

To create an approval process template

  1. From the Administration tab, select Knowledge, Approval Process Manager, Approval Process Templates.

    The Approval Process Template List appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Approval Process Template Detail page appears.

  3. Enter a name for the template and a description.
  4. Click Save.

    The Approval Process Template Detail page displays additional fields.

  5. Select the task you want to perform when you create a rework version of the document using this template.
  6. Select the task you want to perform when you unretire a document that was created using this template.
  7. Click Insert Task to create a task to add to the template.

    The Create New Task page displays.

  8. Complete the fields. The following fields require explanation:

    Names the task.


    Assigns a person to the task. You can click the search icon to select a name.

    Note: You can add an alternate list of assignees after the task is created.

    Click Save.

    The approval process template is created.

More information:

Add Alternate Assignees to a Task

Edit an Approval Process Template

Search for an Approval Process Template