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Search for an Approval Process Template

You can enter search criteria to filter the Approval Process Template List to display only the items you want to see. You can also search for individual items to view or edit.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, the list page displays Tenant and Public Data settings in the search filter. Public Data can be Excluded or Included with Tenant data; Only searches for public objects exclusively. On detail pages, select the appropriate tenant from the list. If you select <empty>, the object is public.

To search for an approval process template

  1. From the Administration tab, select Knowledge, Approval Process, Approval Process Templates.

    The Approval Process Template List page appears.

  2. Click Show Filter.
  3. Type in the first few characters of the template name you want.
  4. (Optional) Click More.

    Additional fields are displayed, letting you to restrict the items that display in the Approval Process Template List.

  5. Click Search.

    The Approval Process Template List page displays the items that match your search criteria. You can select an item to view or edit it.

Note: You can export list results to Excel for use outside of CA SDM by clicking the Export button on the List page.