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Define an Approval Process for Document Editing

Knowledge administrators can specify who can edit documents before the approval process and after publishing.

Note: Users with full (read/write) permissions can edit published documents.

To define an approval process for document editing

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Approval Process Manager, Approval Process Settings.

    The Approval Process Settings page appears.

  2. Specify who can edit documents before the documents are published. Select one of the following options:
    Documents may be edited by a task assignee, an owner or users with the appropriate Access Type views

    Specifies that the following contacts can edit documents:

    • A contact assigned to the current task
    • A contact specified as an owner of the document for the current task
    • A knowledge manager
    • A system administrator
    Documents may be edited by users with full permissions

    Specifies that any user with write permissions to the document can edit it.

  3. Specify who can edit documents after the documents are published. Select one of the following options:
    User with full permissions may edit documents after they have been published

    Specifies that a user with full permissions can edit published documents.

    User with full permissions can change published document's attributes

    Specifies that any user with write permissions to the document can change only attributes of published documents such as configuration items or products.

    Document must be unpublished before editing is allowed

    Specifies that the user must unpublish a document before editing it.

    Click Save.

    The approval process is defined.