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View Documentation about Activity Nodes and Attributes

Because all activity nodes and attributes within the Change Management Process Definition are documented, you can use CA Workflow to view information about activity nodes and attributes. If necessary, you can change the flow of the process definition to meet the needs of your organization.

Note: For information about viewing activity nodes and attributes, see the CA Workflow documentation.

To view documentation about activity nodes and attributes

  1. Open the Change Mgmt – Service Desk r12.1 process definition in the CA Workflow application.

    The Change Management Process Definition appears in CA Workflow.

  2. Double-click an activity node.

    The activity node opens.

  3. On the Properties tab, review the Description field for additional details about the node.
  4. Exit the activity node properties.
  5. (Optional) Navigate to the Attributes tab in the lower window of the process definition.
  6. Double-click or mouse-over the attribute.

    The Attribute page opens with information about the attribute.