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Knowledge Schedule Views

The Knowledge Documents Schedule has the following views:


Displays a calendar for the full month that includes the earliest implementation start date specified in the Schedule Start Date field. The calendar shows abbreviated information about each change within the range (change number, start and end time, and first affected CI).

The Knowledge Documents Schedule has similar functionality to the Change Orders Month view with the following exceptions:

Note: If you see a review date referring to the past, it indicates that the review was probably not done.


Displays seven consecutive days in a single column, beginning with the earliest implementation start date specified in the Schedule Start Date field. The calendar includes summary information about each change within the specified range (change number, start and end time, summary description, assignee, group, and the first ten affected CIs).


Displays a view similar to the week view, except that it shows only the day specified in the Schedule Start Date field.

n Days

Displays a view similar to the week view, except that it continues for the specified number of days.


Displays a standard CA SDM list page.