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Scheduling View Configuration

You configure the monthly and weekly scheduling views by specifying pdm_macro statements in the <head> section of the HTMPL forms defining the schedule. We recommend using the Source View of Web Screen Painter to edit these forms.

Any form that displays a schedule must contain the following:

The configuration macros are in a separate source file referenced by a pdm_include statement in the main source file. This file lets you configure your schedule without modifying the main source file.

For example, the configuration macros for the Change Calendar form list_chgsched.htmpl are in a file named list_chgsched_config.htmpl. For the Knowledge Lifecycle Schedule, you can modify the list_kdsched_config.htmpl using the same macros.

You can find list_chgsched_config.htmpl and list_kdsched_config.htmpl in the following directory:
