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Knowledge Schedule Filter

The Knowledge Schedule Filter displays the following fields:


Filters the search by tenant. This field displays for the privileged user in a multi-tenancy installation.

Event Type

Filters the search by the following event types:

Schedule Start Date

Specifies the date for the beginning of a range for filtering the history to show only entries for a specified time frame.

Schedule End Date

Specifies the date to specify the end of a range for filtering the history to show only entries for a specified time frame.

Schedule Timezone

Specifies a timezone to view your search results.

Note: If no timezone is selected, the events are displayed in your current timezone.


Defines the name of the contact assigned to maintain the document. Enter the name of the contact in "last name, first name" format or open the Contact Search dialog so you can locate and select a contact.


Defines the name of the contact assigned to handle the record. Enter the name of the contact in "last name, first name" format or open the Contact Search dialog so you can locate and select a contact.

Subject Expert

Defines the name of a contact with expertise in the document's subject matter. Enter the name of the contact in "last name, first name" format open the Contact Search dialog so you can locate and select a contact.


Select one of the following document statuses to perform your search:


Defines a category by which to filter documents retrieved. Enter the name of the category in the box or open the Category Search window. When you click Search, the product returns only documents associated with the specified category.

Initial View

Select the view of the Knowledge Management Calendar you want to see:


Displays a calendar for the full month that includes the earliest implementation start date specified in the Start Date field. The calendar shows abbreviated information about each change within the range (change number, start and end time, and first affected CI).


Displays seven consecutive days in a single column, beginning with the earliest implementation start date specified in the Start Date field. The calendar includes summary information about each change within the specified range (change number, start and end time, summary description, assignee, group, and the first ten affected CIs).


Displays a view similar to the week view, except that it shows only the day specified in the Start Date field.

n Days

Displays a view similar to the week view, except that it continues for the specified number of days.


Displays a standard CA SDM list page.

Note: You can click the More icon to display the Additional Search Arguments field. This field is intended only for expert users who understand SQL and Majic and can use it to specify search arguments that are not available in the standard search filter fields. You can enter a SQL WHERE clause in this field to specify an additional search argument.