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Turn on KPI Daemon Tracing

Use the pdm_logstat utility to turn on trace logging to monitor KPI daemon activity.

To turn on KPI daemon tracing, run the following command:

pdm_logstat -f cache_table_mgr.c VERBOSE

To turn off KPI daemon tracing, run the following command:

pdm_logstat -f cache_table_mgr.c

Examine the stdlog.0 file for entries pertaining to KPI daemon activity.

The following example shows normal KPI daemon connections to the host computer and the domsrvr:

02/06 05:42:14.58 garbo-2k3-bb kpi_daemon 2432 SIGNIFICANT kpi_daemon.c  117 KPIDaemon ready for action!
02/06 05:42:14.80 garbo-2k3-bb domsrvr 792 SIGNIFICANT connmgr.c 2314 Connecting client kpi_daemon:garbo-2k3-bb
02/06 05:42:14.81 garbo-2k3-bb kpi_daemon 2432 SIGNIFICANT main.c 220 KPI daemon connected with domsrvr

The following example indicates an error in a KPI named webSessionCT:

01/16 13:24:46.74 jed web:local 2152 ERROR sys_kpi.c 96 Invalid KPI metric type: 1382180215 (KPI name:webSessionCT)

The following examples show KPI daemon activity:

02/06 07:23:50.47 garbo-2k3-bb  kpi_daemon 3568 TRACE cache_table_mgr.c 427 Cache Table manager created Kpi_Obj (KPI dob record_id:9003) (KPI type:2)
02/06 07:23:50.53 garbo-2k3-bb kpi_daemon 3568 TRACE cache_table_mgr.c  427 Cache Table manager created Kpi_Obj (KPI dob record_id:9103) (KPI type:1)

Note: For information about KPI types, see KPI Ticket Data Table Record Types.