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KPI Ticket Data Table Record Types

There are five operation types in the usp_kpi_ticket_data table:

The type value (integer value shown in parentheses) is stored in the operation field. The end_time of the previous record is stored in the prev_time field. The ktd_duration field stores the duration, which is calculated as end_time minus prev_time. The previous record is defined in the following rules:

  1. The INIT record indicates a ticket has been created.
  2. An UPDATE record is created for each update to a ticket. It gets prev_time from a previous UPDATE record to the same ticket field if a previous UPDATE record exists. Otherwise, it gets prev_time from the INIT, NO_INIT_REC or REOPEN record, depending on which record has an end_time value closest in time to the UPDATE record.
  3. The CLOSE record is the same as UPDATE.
  4. If a ticket is reopened, a single REOPEN record is created to show the Active field value. The REOPEN record gets prev_time from a previous CLOSE record for the same Active field.
  5. If a ticket was created before turning on the Options Manager option, it may have records for updates but without an INIT record. The program in this case creates a NO_INIT_REC record and gets prev_time from the first non-INIT record it encounters.

Note: For complete documentation of the table fields, see the Technical Reference Guide.