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NX.env File

Review the $NX_ROOT/NX.env file to verify that the basic KPI configuration is correctly set.

If you have installed the KPI Ticket Data Table option, the NX.env file includes the following:

# Enable the collection of changed fields from ticket objects 
# (like Requests, Issues and Change Orders) to write record entries 
# into the usp_kpi_ticket_data table. 

# Specifies a tolerable delay for each KPI within which kpi_daemon 
# sends a request to retreive KPI data when this kPI's refresh time
# is timeout

Note: The default value of @NX_KPI_FUZZ_TIME is 20 seconds. You can modify this value within the range of 0 to 40 seconds. If you set this variable to a value higher than 40, 40 seconds will be used.

# The keep_version attribute in Kpi table is displayed on the KPI 
# Detail Edit form as a checkbox. The NX_ALWAYS_KEEP_KPI_VERSIONS 
# option specifies that checkbox is read-only and is always checked. 