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Archiving and Purging KPI Data

Predefined Archive and Purge Rules are available for archiving and purging KPI data. Navigate to Archive and Purge, Archive and Purge Rules on the Administration tab. Then, filter the list by searching for Inactive rules. You can select one of the following rules and set it to Active:

An optional configuration rule can be created inside the arcpur_cfg.xml and itil_arcpur_cfg.xml files to archive and purge the KPI_Ticket_Data table.

You can find the files in the following directories:

Use the following methods to archive and purge the KPI_Ticket_Data table:

KPI_Ticket_Data Table

KPI_Ticket_Data table does not have a SREL relationship with any Ticket table and it relies on two fields, obj_name, and obj_id, to link with a ticket. The obj_name value can be cr, chg, or iss and the obj_id value is the ticket id. Define a main_obj for each ticket object.

The following is a sample main_object definition for the ticket object, cr:

<!-- KPI Ticket Data -->
<name>KPI Ticket Data</name>
<internal_name>KPI Ticket Data</internal_name>
<ref_by value="obj_id"></ref_by>

Note: The configuration rule can only select records for cr. The ref_by tag can match the value of obj_id in KPI Ticket Data to the value of id in cr. If a match is found, it means that a KPI Ticket Data record is referenced by a cr record, so the KPI Ticket Data record are not archived and purged.

After adding the configuration rules for all ticket objects, restart the CA SDM service. These configuration rules become selectable configuration object names in the Archive and Purge Rule detail form.