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How to Restore Archived Data

When restoring archived data, you should start the daemons in dbadmin mode with the pdm_d_mgr utility. Dbadmin mode allows limited access, so you can safely run pdm_load to restore archived data.

The following describes how archived data is restored:

  1. Shutdown CA SDM.
  2. Start the daemons in dbadmin mode, using the following command:
    pdm_d_mgr -s DBADMIN
  3. Locate the archived data file. By default, the file is located under $NX_ROOT/site/data/archive.
  4. Run pdm_load against the data file. For example:
    pdm_load -a -f 2004611T1726_Call_Request.dat
  5. If there is a problem with the load, check the command line and the log for errors. Arcpur.log files can be found in $NX_ROOT/log.

    Note: Size limitation of arcpur.log files are defined in $NX_ROOT/NX.env as

    # The size limit for the Archive and Purge log file and data file.

    Archive and purge creates arcpur.log.0, arcpur.log.1 though arcpur.log.9 after reaching the file limit for each log files.

  6. Run pdm_halt.

    This shuts down the daemons.

  7. Restart CA SDM.

    Note: After restoring the record, it is archived and purged in the next cycle of the archive and purge process.

  8. (Optional) To prevent the record to be archived and purged at the next cycle, do the following:
    1. Update the record to make it active again.
    2. Inactivate the archive and purge rule.