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Archive and Purge Rules

You can define the rules you want to use for running archive and purge jobs on your CA SDM database. You can modify and activate existing rules instead of creating ones.

Important! The default Archive and Purge rules are set to Inactive. You must set the search filter to look for inactive rules. You can run a rule by selecting it from the Archive and Purge Rules node and clicking Run Now.

Example: Activate the Audit Log Rule

You can activate and run the rule for archiving and purging audit log records.

To activate the audit log rule

  1. Navigate to Archive and Purge, Archive and Purge Rules

    The Archive and Purge Rule List appears.

  2. Click Show Filter.

    Select Inactive from the Status drop-down list, Click Search.

    The Inactive rules appear.

  3. Select the Audit Log rule, click Run Now.

    The archive and purge process begins for audit log records.

    Note: You can edit the rule by clicking the Audit Log link and clicking Edit.