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Use Macros in the Behavior for Issue and Change Categories

You can also use macros in the Behavior for Issue and Change categories. On a Category detail, you can look at the Workflow tab and select a workflow status. On the workflow detail, click the Behavior button. Similar to an event, you can set a condition and resultant actions.

From the Behavior detail’s Transition tab, you can specify a Conditional-type macro to determine if the task can transition out of that status. This is fired when a user tries to change the task status from that value to a different one. If the condition evaluates to false, the status update is not allowed.

Real workflow tasks are created from the templates in the category template. When the status value of a task is changed and saved, the behavior specified in the category template is fired; meaning the condition and resultant actions are executed.

Note: Use an Attach Event macro to attach an event to a workflow task.