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Macros are small scripts that define either conditions or actions. When Events or Behaviors execute, they can execute one or more Action macros. Before macros are executed, you can use a conditional macro to determine which set of Action macros to execute.

You can use macros in the following areas:

The product includes several macros. Users can create additional types.

Note: Customers cannot add Action or Condition macros but can create simple conditionals with site-defined conditions. Site-defined conditions are noncomplex macros that can be created from GUI dialogs; they are not replacements for condition-type macros.

For each macro, you specify the object type that you want the macro to use. If you create a site-defined conditional to verify a Requests values, you set the type to Request. When you select macros for Events and Behaviors, CA SDM only displays macros with a type matching the type on the Event or Behavior.