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Use Macros with Multiple Notification

Multiple Notification

The message body of the multiple notification points directly to the table of the object selected. Therefore, when referencing fields on the object table, (CR (Call_Req) for example,) you can reference the field attribute name. If you want to specify the description information of the Call Request ticket, you can enter the following in the message body:

Description: @{description}

A QREL (Query Relation) is a relation which contains a list of objects defined by an SQL type WHERE clause. You can add the QREL to the description of a multiple notification macro. If you wanted to put the QREL in the description for act_log QREL <-- alg, you can use the following in a notification macro:


You can use replacement variables to make notification messages more relevant and dynamic. These replacement variables take the form of @{attribute_path_here} where attribute_path_here is an attribute of some CA SDM object. When the notification is sent, the variable is replaced with the attribute value specified.

A notification (from an activity log or a multiple notification) always has some base context (a point of reference), which is usually a ticket or workflow task. On multiple notification, the Notification macro type field specifies the base object. You use the @{} syntax to reference any attribute on that object.

Example: A Multiple Notification of type Request references any attribute in the 'cr' (Call_Req) object. To include the Request description, specify @{description} (dot-notation is used to follow references to other objects). For example, to include the Request assignee last name: @{assignee.last_name}.