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Change Specification Statuses

Change specifications use status to indicate the type of verification to perform and the current state of verification. The status values are also used in the verification log when recording change verification operations during the verification process.

Initial Statuses

Used when creating a Change Specification to specify the type of verification for CACF to perform. These statuses are non-final and the Change Order is not considered verified when change specifications are in either of these statuses.

Verification Pending—The change specification has not been verified, or the change is waiting for the CI update.

Manual Verification will be required—When the changes for a Change Order are verified, manual verification will be required.

Use Discovered Value—Copy the discovered value to the CI at verification time, and used when the planned value is not known prior to verification.

Set After Change Executed—Sets a CI attribute to the planned value after verification has completed. Use this status for setting CI attributes when the attribute is not discoverable. For example, set the CI Primary Contact to User1 after a change completes.

Final Statuses

Indicates a completed change specification and considered as final. When all change specifications enter either of these final states, the Change Orders are eligible for promotion to the next default state.

Verified—The change specification has been successfully verified.

Was Manually Verified—The change specification has been manually verified.

Used Discovered Value—The CI has been updated with the discovered value.

Was Set To Planned Value—The CI has been updated with the planned value after Change Order verification.

Accepted Planned Value—The CI has been updated with the planned value and overwritten during verification.

Accepted Discovered Value—The CI has been updated with the last discovered value and overwritten during verification.

No Change—The planned value matched the CI at verification time and no verification was required.

Cancel—The change specification was canceled by the change manager.

Intervention Statuses

Indicates a change specification requires manual intervention for verification. CA SDM highlights these statuses in a red color on list forms. These statuses are not final and the Change Order is not considered verified when change specifications are in either of these statuses.

Failed Verification—Discovery found the value to be other than what was specified in the Change Order. The Change Analyst must determine if the change was correctly executed and the Change Order was incorrectly specified, or if the Change Order was correct and the change requires verification again. Depending on the definition of the Managed Change State and the current change order status, the Change Analyst can override, change, or cancel the failed change specification.

Manual Verification Active—Manual verification is required before the change specification can be marked final.

Action Override Statuses

Indicates an action to initiate during change verification. These statuses are not final and the Change Order is not considered verified when change specifications are in either of these statuses.

Accept Planned Value—Request to override the CI attribute with the planned value.

Accept Discovered Value—Request to override the CI attribute with the last discovered value.

Reporting Status

Indicates the result of policy operations that the verification log displays for logging purposes and not used by change specifications.

Update Was Allowed—A policy allowed a request to update a CI and did not match any change specifications.