Previous Topic: Exclude Ambiguity for a CI

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How To Exclude Ambiguity Using GRLoader

You can update the exclude ambiguity option for a CI by using GRLoader to set the not_ambiguous flag for the CI.

not_ambiguous values are as follows:

YES (1)

Removes the CI from ambiguity management. The CI is identified as unique regardless of the identifying attributes of other CIs. The ambiguity index of the CI remains zero.

NO (0) (default)

This CI is eligible for ambiguity management. The uniqueness of the CIs identifying attributes determines the ambiguity index of this CI. The identifying attributes of this CI are considered when evaluating the ambiguity index of other CIs.

Note: For more information about GR Loader, see the CA CMDB Technical Reference.

How To Reject Updates

When a CI is marked as Inactive, no updates can be performed on it. Set the CI to Inactive if you want CA CMDB to reject data for a given CI (whether by name, serial number, MAC address, and so on) and you want the MDR to know of the rejection.

In this way, you can reject problematic data immediately and reflect it back to the source, where the MDR can correct the rejected input.

To set a CI to Inactive in the web interface, edit the CI, set it to Inactive, and click Save. You also can set a CI to Inactive by using GRLoader or CMDBf web services. Inactivated CIs can also be reactivated.