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How to Identify and Resolve Ambiguous CIs

How to Resolve Ambiguous CIs

After you identify ambiguous CIs and determine if their identifying attributes are valid, resolve the ambiguity among the CIs in the ambiguity set using one or more of the following:

Modify the identifying attributes

If you determine the identifying attributes are not complete or invalid, set the CI identifying attributes so that the CI is unique using either the Web interface, GRLoader, or CMDBf.

Note: When the MDR updates the CI, the MDR can undo the reconciliation changes that were manually performed.

Exclude a CI from ambiguity management

If you determine that the CIs identifying characteristics are correct and represents a known, valid ambiguity, you can remove the CI from the ambiguity management lists and the ambiguity calculation of other CIs, and the CI can be marked as not ambiguous (exclude ambiguity).

Reject a CI Update by inactivating the CI

When you determine that the identifying attributes of a CI are incorrect and that updates using those attributes cause data corruption, the CI can be inactivated, preventing further updates. The user or MDR generating the information receives an error and the entire transaction is rejected.

Supersede a CI

Sometimes the updates to the CMDB are beyond the control of the administrator and invalid identifying data needs to be in the system with valid nonidentifying attribute data. The incoming transaction attribute data can be transparently redirected to a superseding CI.

Note: The transparent redirection of attribute data from one CI to another can cause confusion because transaction data may not be stored in the same CI as the transactions identifying attributes would lead you to believe. Use this method with discretion, when the previous methods cannot be used.