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Supersede Ambiguous CIs

You can supersede an ambiguous CI to redirect data to a specific target CI. You can display superseded CIs, which are Inactive and all web interface updates to them are ignored.

Note: Updates sent to superceded CIs by GRLoader or CMDBf web services are redirected to the superceding CI. However, updates to identifying attributes are ignored.

To supersede an ambiguous CI

  1. Select the CI that you want to be the focal (superseding) CI from the Ambiguous CI List page.

    The Configuration Item Detail page appears.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Update Configuration Item page appears.

  3. Click the Reconciliation tab.

    All CIs that are ambiguous with the focal CI display.

    Determine which CIs you want to supersede by the focal CI. Inspect each CI in the list by clicking each CI to launch its Configuration Item Detail page.

  4. Select one or more ambiguous CIs that you want to supersede with the focal CI and click Supersede.

    The focal CI supersedes the selected CIs.