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Specify Comments for a Rule

The Create Rule Comments panel provides a structured format that you can use to create useful documentation for your rule.

To specify comments for a rule

  1. Access the Create Rule Comments panel.

    A sample panel, the same for all types of rules, follows:

    EasyRule ----------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND ===> C R E A T E R U L E C O M M E N T S Rule Name ===> _____________________________________________________ Rule Type ===> _____________________________________________________ Rule Function ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________ Author ===> _____________________________________________________ Support ===> _____________________________________________________ Related Rules ===> _____________________________________________________ Related CPs ===> _____________________________________________________ History ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________ ===> _____________________________________________________

  2. Enter comments about the rule.

No editing is performed on your entries, all of which are optional. EasyRule takes your entries and generates valid REXX comment lines from them. Do not imbed syntax for REXX comments (for example, /* comment-text */) in your entries.