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Specify a Primary Event for a Rule

The primary event is the criterion that is used to execute the rule. For message rules, the primary event is a message ID; for OMEGAMON rules, it is an OMEGAMON exception ID, and so on.

To specify a primary event for a rule

  1. From the Message Rule Main Menu, choose option 1 Message ID to access the primary event specification panel to specify a primary event for your rule.

    Following is a sample primary event specification panel pertaining to message rules:

    EasyRule ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Command ===> S P E C I F Y M E S S A G E I D MSG ID ===> IEF287I JUST SUPPRESS ===> N (Y/N/D) or JUST DELETE ===> N (Y/N/D) DELETE FROM OPSLOG === N (Y/N) MSG ID is used to determine if this Rule should perform an Action. It must be 1 to 10 characters in length and may optionally include a "wildcard" character '*'. MSG ID is the only required field. If you just want to SUPPRESS or DELETE the message, type Y next to the appropriate entry. Subsequent panels are bypassed if using Step-thru mode. DELETE is like SUPPRESS, but also deletes the message from SYSLOG. D is the same as Y except that in Step-thru mode, you will be given a chance to enter comments about the rule. Press ENTER to step thru EasyRule, or END to return

    When EasyRule generates the OPS/REXX code for your rule, the type of the rule and the primary event of the rule make up the first line of the code.

    In some cases, the only rule type-specific panel that you need to complete to create a rule is the primary event specification panel. For example, if your goal is simply to suppress a message, you can do so by making only two field entries (MSG ID and Just Suppress) on the primary event specification panel for message rules.

  2. You can then press PF3

    The EasyRule final options menu displays, from which you can end your EasyRule session.