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Specify Execution Conditions for a Rule

Use the Conditions Menu to choose conditions for EasyRule to use as selection criteria for the rule. These conditions are in addition to the primary selection criterion you specified on the primary event specification panel. A unique Conditions Menu exists for each rule type. A sample panel, showing the Conditions Menu for message rules, appears here.

Note: If you select the EasyRule automatic step-through feature, you bypass the Conditions Menu (and all other EasyRule menus).

EasyRule ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Option ===> M E S S A G E R U L E -- C O N D I T I O N S M E N U These panels allow you to specify additional criteria (beyond the Message ID) which must be satisfied for this Rule to fire. 1 Message text A Other address spaces 2 Current console routing (ROUTCDEs) D Day/Time/Shift/Calendar 3 Highlighting/Color (DESC codes) G Global variables 4 Message Environmental variables L Local or other Global variables 5 Multi-line WTO support O OPSINFO variables V Device or VOLSER status C Specify how multiple conditions are to be evaluated (AND/OR) Press ENTER to step thru EasyRule, or END to return

Although the total number of options on the menus differs among rule types, the format of the menus is the same. The column on the left of each Conditions Menu lists conditions that are unique to the type of rule you are creating. The column on the right lists conditions that are common to all rule types.

To choose an option from a Conditions Menu

  1. Type its option code into the Option field and press Enter.
  2. When you complete the resulting panel, press PF3

    You are returned to the Conditions Menu.

You can repeat this procedure to choose several or all options, as long as you do so one at a time.