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How Schedule Manager Resolves Schedule Conflicts

When a cyclic day of week period and a fixed date period are in conflict over scheduled control of a common resource, Schedule Manager gives control to the fixed date period.

When a fixed date period with a year specified and a fixed date period without a year specified are in conflict over scheduled control of a common resource, Schedule Manager gives control to the fixed date period with the year specified.

Note: The SHOW CONFLICTS and SHOW OVERLAPS commands do not display any schedule conflicts resolved by the above rules. Also, the SHOW OVERLAPS command does not display any non-conflicting overlaps that would be resolved by the above rules if they were conflicts. This is done to make the displays more understandable and less complex.

Important! The user needs to keep this in mind when reading these displays.

Conflicts between periods not resolved by the above rules (that is, conflicts between two cyclic day of week periods or between two fixed date periods both with or without the year specified) are resolved as follows: