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Perform Schedule Manager Tasks

The Schedule Manager lets you control the states of system resources over specific time periods, both on the system you are working on, and on other systems that are running the Schedule Manager.

To access Schedule Manager and perform tasks

  1. From the CA OPS/MVS main OPSVIEW panel, select option 4.11.4.

    The following Schedule Manager Primary Panel displays:

    Schedule Manager --------------- Primary Panel -------------------------------- COMMAND ===> C - Copy schedule D - Delete a schedule E - Edit a schedule F - Free a schedule I - Insert a new schedule L - Load schedule (make it ACTIVE) M - Merge schedules R - Rename schedule Y - Synchronize schedule blank - Display schedule list SPECIFY SCHEDULE: NAME ===> (If option C,D,E,F,L,M,R or Y selected) NEWNAME ===> (If option C,I,M or R selected) CONFIRM DELETES: YES (Enter YES to require delete confirmation) NOTE: To use a schedule on another system specify the name as system>schedule Specify ? as the system name to get a list of all systems.

  2. From this panel, choose a schedule maintenance task by issuing one of the listed commands from the command line and specifying the name of the schedule you want in the NAME field (and if required, the name of a new schedule in the NEWNAME field).
  3. On any Schedule Manager panel, press Enter

    The command or action you have specified executes.

For more information about the main Schedule Manager panel, or any OPSVIEW panel, see the OPSVIEW User Guide.