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Definition of Terms

The description of the Schedule Manager in this document and the Schedule Manager panels use the following set of special terms:


A complete, self-contained set of scheduling information, including:


A component of your system, such as a DASD controller, a printer, or an application program. The Schedule Manager schedules desired state changes only to resources defined in one of the relational tables included in the SSM_MANAGED_TBLS table of the System State Manager.


The dates and times governing when System State Manager changes the desired state of one or more resources. A period has start and end times specified in hours and minutes and either a cyclic or a fixed start date and end date:

A single period can change the desired state of many resources, and more than one period can control the desired state of a single resource.

Period set

All periods that apply to a specific date and time.


A link is the association between a resource and a period.

Link item

A link item is either the resource or the period that is part of a link.

Link item column

The column on Schedule Manager panels containing the link item. For example, if the link item is a resource, then the resource column is the link item column.

Link group

The group of system resources or periods that is associated with the link item. For example, if the link item is a resource, then the link group is all periods that change the desired state of that resource.

Link group column

The column on Schedule Manager panels that contains the link group. For instance, if the link item is a period, then the link group column is the resources column.


A Schedule Manager conflict occurs when two periods specify opposite desired states for the same resource at some point in time.

Conflict group

The periods specifying conflicting desired states for a resource.


The situation that occurs when a new period begins before the previous period ends. Overlapping periods may or may not produce a conflict.

Commands column

The column on Schedule Manager panels where you issue line commands. When the commands column resides in the period column (its default location), you can issue line commands against periods. To issue line commands against resources, you need to move the commands into the resource column. PF11 moves the commands column to the resource (right) side of the screen; PF10 moves the commands column to the period (left) side of the screen.