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Select a Schedule

The Schedule Manager can maintain schedules defined on the system you are working on, as well as schedules from other systems running CA OPS/MVS and the Schedule Manager.

Schedule names are in the format of sysname>schedname, where sysname is the name of the system and schedname is the name of the schedule. For example, SYSA>SCHEDULE1.

Schedule lists can be displayed in a variety of formats.

To select a schedule or schedule list, use the following chart. This chart describes what you need to enter to view a specific schedule or schedule list:

To select...

Enter this value in the NAME field...

One of the schedules defined on the current system

The name of that schedule in the format schedname or sysname>schedname, where sysname is the name of the current system

A schedule from a list of schedules on the current system

An asterisk (*), or leave the NAME field blank

A specific schedule on another system

The name of the system followed by the greater-than symbol (>) and the schedule name, as shown in the following example:


A list of all systems having defined schedules


A list of all schedules on all systems


A list of all schedules named schedname on all systems


A list of all schedules on the specified system


All schedules beginning with the characters SCHED on the current system


All schedules beginning with the characters SCHED on all systems


All schedules beginning with the characters SCHED on a specific system

sysname>SCHED*, where sysname is the name of the specific system