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PROHIBIT Command—Prohibits Data Transfer

The PROHIBIT command prohibits data transfer between one port and other specified ports on the same switch by modifying dynamic connections. The reciprocal command is ALLOW.

This command has the following syntax:

PROhibit  switch  portlist  port
[ALSo | ONly]
[VARy | NOVary]
[EXEc | NOExec]
[FORce | NOForce]
[BACkout | NOBackout]
[MAXDevices=nn]  [TIMEout=nn]  [GLObal | LOCal]  [SYStem=sysspec]

Specifies the switch for which port connections are to be modified.


Specifies the ports to be prohibited data transfer with the port specified by port.


Specifies the port to be prohibited data transfer with the ports specified by portlist.