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Connectivity Control Commands

The connectivity control commands control the status of ports and switches, and device paths connected to them.

Commands that enable new port connections imply that SOF execute z/OS VARY ONLINE operations for any offline channel path connected to affected ports, and any offline device along each channel path.

Commands that disable existing port connections imply that SOF execute z/OS VARY OFFLINE operations for any online channel path connected to affected ports, and any online device whose last channel path is taken offline.

SOF does not issue actual z/OS VARY console commands, but instead uses programmable interfaces to perform VARY operations. The full command response from each SOF command will include the equivalent z/OS VARY command text (by system) for any VARY operations attempted as part of the command, and the success or failure of the command.

Because of required cross-system communications and the asynchronous nature of VARY processing, each immediate SOF command response may not be the full command response. Therefore, SOF keeps a historical list of processed commands, their status, and their response. SOF will asynchronously update each command response as each VARY operation is executed. Each SOF command is assigned an arbitrary request ID that is returned with the immediate command response and which can be specified on the DISPLAY RESULTS command to recall the (possibly updated) command response at a later time.