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DISCONNECT Command—Cancels a Connection

The DISCONNECT command cancels the definition of a static, or dedicated, connection between two ports on the same switch. The reciprocal command is CONNECT.

This command has the following syntax:

DISConnect  switch  port1   port2
[VARy | NOVary]  
[FORce | NOForce]
[Backout | NOBackout]
[EXEc | NOExec]
[MAXDEVices=n]  [TIMeout=nn]  [GLObal | LOCal]  [SYStem=sysspec]

Specifies the switch for which port connections are to be modified.


Specifies the port for which a dedicated connection is to be cancelled with the port specified by port2.


Specifies the port for which a dedicated connection is to be cancelled with the port specified by port1.