This topic describes how to uninstall the CA Network Flow Analysis software by using the Uninstaller. You also can uninstall the software from the Windows Add or Remove Programs window, where it is listed under the publisher CA Technologies, Inc.
Follow these steps:
If you attempt to uninstall the Harvester software first, an error message opens.
The Uninstall window opens.
The Uninstaller removes all of the program and data files, including the following CA Network Flow Analysis and MySQL elements:
When the process is complete, the screen displays a list of the directories and files that were not deleted.
Note: Leave the file system undisturbed while uninstallation is in progress. Do not attempt to view the progress in Windows Explorer, for example.
Once the program finishes, the Uninstall Complete screen opens.
Some files are not deleted until this phase is finished. Once the final cleanup is finished, the Uninstaller itself is deleted.
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