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(MIM) DEFALIAS Command-Define Command Alias

The DEFALIAS command lets you define command aliases for CA MIM commands. You can substitute a command alias for the full command specification (including operands) when you want to issue that command.

You can use command aliases for these purposes:

Use the command name, rather than the alias, when looking up information about the command or when contacting CA Technical Support. Also, because of changes in command format or function, you may need to redefine existing aliases when you upgrade to a new release of CA MIM.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

DEFALIAS alias command [operands]

Specifies the one- to eight-character alias that can be substituted for the command.


Specifies the full name of the command that should be executed when this command alias is specified.


(Optional) Specifies the command-specific operands that you want to execute when this command alias is specified.

Usage Notes: DEFALIAS Command

Examples: DEFALIAS Command