General CA MIM Statements and Commands › (MIM) DEALLOCATE Command-Deallocate a Resource
(MIM) DEALLOCATE Command-Deallocate a Resource
The DEALLOCATE command lets you deallocate a data set, control file, SYSOUT data set, or CTC device that currently is available to CA MIM.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
CTC=unit[FORCE] |
DDNAME=ddname |
Deallocates a checkpoint file. Allowable values are 00 to 99.
Deallocates a CTC device. Specify the logical device address of the device in place of unit.
If you need to deallocate a CTC device that is currently active, then you can issue the command DEALLOCATE CTC=unit FORCE; however, you should only use the FORCE operand when all attempts to switch from the CTC device have failed.
Deallocates a data set. Specify the ddname of the data set.
Specifies a control file identifier associated with a coupling facility structure control file that is to be deallocated. The identifier, id, can be a numeric value from 00 to 99.
Usage Notes: DEALLOCATE Command
- Use the DDNAME operand on the DEALLOCATE command when deallocating the MIMTBL data set.
- The DEALLOCATE command usually is issued from a console, rather than from the MIMPARMS data set.
- You must be authorized to issue system control commands to issue the DEALLOCATE command. The TSO users generally are not authorized to issue system control commands.
- You cannot use the DEALLOCATE command to deallocate a data set for the TRACE feature.
- Switch to an alternate form of communication before you deallocate a CTC device. If you have an XCF path available to the master system, issue SETOPTION VCFPREFERENCE=XCF to begin using the XCF path. If you have an alternate CTC device, use the CTC SWITCH command to switch to using the alternate CTC. If you do not have alternate CTCs or XCF paths, issue the migrate command. This command migrates your MIMplex to a physical control file (DASD or coupling facility list structure).
- Use the XESFILEID operand on the DEALLOCATE command when deallocating a coupling facility structure control file.
Examples: DEALLOCATE Command
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