The DEFSYS statement identifies the systems participating in the MIMplex. The systems defined here will communicate using the DASDONLY, CTCONLY, CTCDASD, or XCF communication methods.
This statement has the following format:
DEFSYS (sysname[[,alias][,smfid]][,{INITIAL=ACTIVE|FREED}])
Specifies the one- to eight-character system name that CA MIM should assign to the system.
(Optional) Specifies the one- or two-character alias that CA MIM should assign to the system.
Default: The system index number.
Note: System index numbers are discussed under Usage Notes for this statement.
(Optional) Specifies an SMF ID or MVS system name. CA MIM uses smfid during initialization to determine the system identity.
(Optional) Specifies in which state the system starts up. Valid values are:
Specifies that the system starts up and is expected to be active.
Specifies that the system is to start up in the freed state, meaning you will not need to manually issue the FREE command to synchronize without that system.
Important! INITIAL takes effect only when you format the control file.
Usage Notes: DEFSYS Statement
Note: For more information on determining the z/OS system name, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Examples: DEFSYS Statement
Because the system aliases are omitted from this statement, CA MIM uses the system index numbers for the aliases. 01 is the alias for system IPOX1 and 02 is the alias for system IPOX2.
Note: Because INITIAL=FREED was specified for system IPOX2, when CA MIM is started with a control file format on system IPOX1, it is not necessary to issue a FREE command to allow system IPOX1 to synchronize. The INITIAL=FREED parameter can be useful for systems that are designated test systems or infrequently brought into the MIMplex.
The DEFSYS command dynamically defines systems to an active MIMplex. This command is only available when using a VCF communication method and COMPATLEVEL=11.9 or greater.
This command has the following format:
DEFSYS (sysname[[,alias][,smfid]])
Specifies the one-to-eight-character name that CA MIM assigned to the system.
(Optional) Specifies the one-or-two-character alias that CA MIM assigned to the system.
Default: When no alias is specified, a unique alias is provided by CA MIM.
(Optional) Specifies an SMF ID or MVS system name. CA MIM uses the smfid during initialization to determine the system identity.
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